Monday, 24 February 2014



At the start of the music video we will be in school trying to have fun as we are young female teenagers who are in school and extremely bored. In order to show this we are going to have shots of our heads down with books open looking really sleepy and tired because we're bored. 
We then want to show a group of students leaving the school and they all look happy because school is finally over. Then a group of girls are running out of school and showing that they are happy. The start of our video fits with Todorov's theory as it shows a state of equlibreium where everything is normal and in a clam state. It is then shown that they decide to go out shopping in places like Camden Lock, and shopping centres like Oxford Street and Westfield.
Whilst they're at the shopping centres they will be trying on new clothing and coming in out of the changing rooms in the shops. It shows a transition to where things were in a state of normalcy to them going around shopping and having fun which defies the sterotypes of a female group of friends because stereotypically they are meant to not get along, which can be seen in typical high school movies, which conform to the convention of groups of friends that are thought to not typically get along. 
They will then make their way out of the shopping centres with a lot of shopping bags in their hands and their facial expressions will show that they're having a lot of fun and enjoying their time together. After that they make their way to McDonalds to eat. This is because it is supposed to show the audience that they enjoy eating in places, and as a teenager myself I would  definitely go places like there to eat. This is when the narrative refers to Todorov's theory as this is the part of recognition where they realise they cant spend their time shopping because they have to go to school and they have to worry about what they are doing.
The last location will end on the girls back to school sitting in the classroom which they were in at the start at the start of the video. This is supposed to show that they cant run away from school and they are left with no choice but to face reality. Moreover the locations which we have chosen throughout the whole video are all effective because the target audience will recognise them straight away and every time they see a new one, it makes them more curious about the next. This grabs their attention and keeps them interested throughout the video.
The video ends in a circle, as a loop as it shows that being in school is whats normal and what they need to do.

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